One of the most traditional Swedish festivals has always been the celebration of midsummer. In an age when we go in search of the social, I take this manifestation of the festive spirit on tour. Similar things have
been done in the past with variable results. I am therefore exposing myself to risk. Someone else who dared to confront such risk was Zwinger. By turning a festival or celebration into a theatrical event,
characteristics of the participants also become assimilated and interpreted. At the same time a collective expectation always builds up around events to which many people are invited. Moreover, in my project a
number of cultural codes make themselves felt, and my view of truth risks transformation to illusion. An illusion that hangs between reality, fiction and the quotidian \'96 a veritable experiment.
The Swedish midsummer festival is a celebration with song and dance \'96 a thanksgiving for the longest and brightest day of the year. It is a complex event in which we are individually affected on a variety of
levels. Song and dance \'96 ecstatic, sexual, virile and distinctive. Accordingly, it employs a number of significant attributes, symbols and associations. At the centre of our attention stands an erect meeting
point, the decorative midsummer pole. It is a ceremonial epicentre from which energy emanates. The way the pole is decorated varies from one geographical region to another and my endeavour has been to synthesise and
balance a variety of elements. Moreover, anything specific is effectively neutralised via the combination of the \'91DIY\'92 midsummer pole with one of our most popular national motives, the Dala horse, and a
highly individual midsummer song by the composer Henrik Frisk. I invite all and sundry to come along and help bring the provided elements together. I wish to initiate a Swedish midsummer festival in Dresden, but
also to allow the unique occasion to transform the codes of the celebration \'96 to find a new truth between reality and fiction. Something which is at one and the same time both open and illusionistically seductive
\'96 a Zwingerian illusion.}}